The Investment Legend Who Says Gold, BTC, Buy LEFT: I Got It!

The investment legend, who says to buy gold, Bitcoin (BTC), Solana (SOL) and silver, surprised everyone with his latest investment: "I bought from these"
 The Investment Legend Who Says Gold, BTC, Buy LEFT: I Got It!
READING NOW The Investment Legend Who Says Gold, BTC, Buy LEFT: I Got It!

Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the bestselling book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, often comes up with recommendations for gold, BTC and SOL. The famous author was a great defender of the assets mentioned so far. Now, however, the economist listened to Harry Dent and said it was time to open his mind. He has repeatedly said that he does not invest in anything printed by the Fed and Wall Street. But now he buys 2-year U.S. Treasury bonds.

Author known for gold buy calls bought treasury bills

Robert Kiyosaki listened to economic forecaster Harry Dent. Then, he opened his “closed mind” and bought 2-year US treasury bills. Kiyosaki is an investment legend who became famous with his book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”. The book was co-written by Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter and was published in 1997. The book has been on the New York Times Best Seller List for over six years. The book has been on sale in over 109 countries and has more than 32 million copies. Returning to our topic, Kiyosaki tweeted on Tuesday:

“I am trying to open my closed mind. I never invest in what the Fed and Wall Street produce. I open my mind and after listening to Harry Dent I buy a 2 year US Treasury bond.”

received intense criticism

His tweet received a lot of criticism. Some people have noted that Harry Dent has been saying the same thing for years. Another reminded the famous author that Dent does not recommend 2-year Treasury bonds. Accordingly, Dent prefers bonds with longer maturities such as 20 or 30 years. Some people questioned Kiyosaki’s decision to invest in low-yield bonds. When inflation hit 17%, they looked for the rationale for investing in a product with a 3% return. However, some Twitter users wanted the famous writer to stick to his calls like gold and silver. Finally, a user pointed out that treasury bills are also tied to the dollar and strengthen the hegemony.

“The biggest accident in history is coming”

Gold and BTC advocate Kiyosaki’s tweet on Wednesday also included a prediction by Jim Rickards. Jim Rickards is the author of the bestselling Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis. Kiyosaki said:

Jim Rickards expects the biggest crash in history to happen on September 21, 2022.”

Several people on Twitter commented on Rickards’ predictions. Accordingly, a user replied to Kiyosaki, “Jim Rickards has been asking for the biggest crash in history every week for years.” Then another said that such statements are meant to deceive novices. A third person pointed out that the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will meet on September 21 and the Fed will likely raise interest rates again.

He urged investors to buy gold and BTC

Kiyosaki has said for years that he does not trust the Federal Reserve, the US Treasury and the Biden administration. In February, he stated that the FED destroyed the dollar. He then warned the agency that it had “inadvertently plunged billions of investors into financial chaos.” As we reported as, it later recommended investors to buy gold, silver and Bitcoin. Additionally, Kiyosaki states that he expects the leading crypto to bottom out to buy BTC. He said he had a cash position he had kept in the corner to buy Bitcoin last month.

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