The Function of the Small Protrusion Under the Rearview Mirror

There are so many functional buttons on technological tools and devices that it is really difficult to master them all. In particular, cars take the lead in this regard.
 The Function of the Small Protrusion Under the Rearview Mirror
READING NOW The Function of the Small Protrusion Under the Rearview Mirror

This part under the rear view mirror, which is your third eye, is actually always visible, but it is still an overlooked button.

We are sure that many of you will hear this detail for the first time. When you learn, you will want to use it all the time.

The button located on this projection just below the rear view mirror optimizes night vision.

If there is a car coming from behind you at night and does not turn off its high beams, you can dim the light in the mirror by pushing this button. By changing the angle of the mirror, the light coming into your eyes will decrease.

In other words, contrary to popular belief, it is not a button to adjust the mirror according to your sitting position. It is even used to hang various accessories, but this important purpose is unknown.

Some cars do not have this button on the rear view mirror.

Because when needed, the light is automatically dimmed thanks to the sensors in the mirror. And a much more useful feature that prevents you from taking your eyes off the road by pressing a button.

You can also think of it like the day/night mode on the screens. Of course, these types of features will leave their place to much more useful technologies, as mirrors will leave their place to screens over time.

In summary, do yourself a favor and always use this helpful feature. It will provide you a safer driving by blocking the light that catches your eye at night.

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