The first walking black hole may have been found!

The first walking black hole may have been found!

Black holes are massive celestial bodies whose gravitational field is so strong that it does not allow any material formation and radiation to escape from it. These mysterious objects were first photographed a few years ago. In the more distant corners of the galaxy, it is believed that there are formations of different shapes and types. Wandering black holes are one of them.

Scientists are divided on this celestial body

Astronomers believe that the object they caught in their latest findings is a neutron star or a black hole drifting on its own. A clear decision has not yet been made for the object imaged by the method called gravitational microlensing.

University of California, Berkeley astronomy professor Jessica Lu said in a statement about the new findings:

This is the first free-floating black hole or neutron star discovered by gravitational microlensing. With microlensing we can examine and weigh these solitary and compact objects. I think we just opened a new window that allows dark objects to be seen in a different way.

Another team from the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore believes that this object is definitely a black hole. By calculating the mass of the object, scientists eliminate the neutron star option. However, the two different teams have yet to come to a consensus.

This celestial body is estimated to be between 1.6 and 7.1 solar masses. In the lower part of this range, it is stated that the object is likely to be a neutron star. The fact that the mass of the celestial body is at the top of the gap indicates a black hole. The object named

MOA-2011-BLG-191 and OGLE-2011-BLG-0462 is approximately 5 thousand light-years from Earth. The mystery of this mysterious celestial body is expected to be solved soon. The Hubble Space Telescope will soon make a more detailed observation of this object.

We expect a clearer statement about the new celestial body to emerge soon. So what do you think about this subject? You can share your views with us in the comments section.