The Film Shot by a Tradesman Was Screened in 3 Theaters

İbrahim Öztekin's passion for cinema, who is a kiosk operator in İzmir, enabled the movie he shot with his mobile phone to be screened in 3 theaters.
 The Film Shot by a Tradesman Was Screened in 3 Theaters
READING NOW The Film Shot by a Tradesman Was Screened in 3 Theaters

Cinema lover İbrahim Öztekin, who was an extra in various TV series, shot a movie with his mobile phone. The movie “Dangerous Camp”, written and directed by İbrahim Tekin, was screened in 3 movie theaters for 2 weeks.

Expressing that he had also made short films in the previous years, Öztekin said that he was happy and proud that his film was released in movie theaters in 3 different cities.

“Dangerous Camp” met with audiences in 3 different cities

The tradesman İbrahim Öztekin, who is interested in cinema as an amateur, completed the shooting of the Dangerous Camp in the Buca Cennet Valley, a recreation area in the Buca district of İzmir, in about 15 days. The movie, in which 6 actors acted in amateur theaters, cost 70 thousand liras.

The film, shot entirely with a mobile phone, was released on November 5 in 3 theaters in Manisa, Isparta and Şanlıurfa. Cinema enthusiast, tradesman Öztekin said, “I didn’t have equipment before, but I always had a love for art. I worked as an extra in TV series in Istanbul, I did not lose hope. Actually, I shot my first feature film in 2013, but at that time I did not know anything about montage. Even though I sent it to many places, I could not get results. “I saw that this is not the case, the project is unfinished, so I decided to do the editing myself. In this way, a movie of mine entered the cinema for the first time.”

The movie, which remained in theaters for 2 weeks, was watched by a total of 82 ticketed audiences in movie theaters. Expressing that he did not lose anything from his passion for cinema even though it failed at the box office, Öztekin stated that he was happy that his first film was moved to movie theaters with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

The subject of his movie called Dangerous Camp is “The subject of our movie is a camp from which those who leave cannot return. Nobody is going there, but a news agency is trying to uncover the secret of the camp by sending a team to introduce itself. Events develop when the team of 4 goes to the horror camp. Of course, our movie has a secret, which is finally revealed. ” he explained. When the movie is released again, Öztekin invited everyone who loves horror/adventure movies to watch the movie. He announced that he will start the shooting of his new movie this month.

If you want to check out the trailer of the movie:

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