The feature that will save Snapchat users from big trouble!

Snapchat announced this month that it will add a username change feature to the app. So how will it be done?
 The feature that will save Snapchat users from big trouble!
READING NOW The feature that will save Snapchat users from big trouble!

Username, which is on all social networks including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, is also available on the Snapchat platform. Usernames with the English name username are completely different from first and last name. There may be more than one account with the same name as you. However, the username is unique and made specific to a single account.

Sometimes it is desired to change the user name for various reasons. While all other social media applications have allowed this for years; Snapchat didn’t offer a username change feature until now. For this reason, the company, which is often criticized, finally decided to correct this deficiency.

Snapchat brings username change feature

The username change feature, which has been tested in Australia in the past months, will come to all Snapchat users as of February 23. Thanks to the feature announced that Snapchat will come to Android and iOS applications, anyone who wants will be able to change their username without the need to create a new account.

Steps to change username in Snapchat

A username can only be changed once a year. Competitor platforms such as Instagram or Twitter do not have such a limitation. On the other hand, Snapchat also warned that a previously used name cannot be selected. In addition, according to the information transferred, when you switch to the new username, the old one will not be used again.

Snapchat username change steps are as follows:

  • Enter your profile by tapping the Bitmoji icon in the upper right corner of the camera.
  • Tap the gear icon, then “Username” and select “Change Username”.
  • After this process, the new username will be assigned to your account immediately.

Changing the username will not have any effect on your contacts, Snap code, Snap Score or memories.

“When we first launched Snapchat in 2011, we structured our platform around accounts with usernames similar to email accounts at the time. Now we have implemented the new system, which provides flexibility in terms of usernames.” made statements.

What are the features you want Snapchat to come to? You can share your thoughts in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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