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  • The Experiment of Eating Only Raw Meat for 81 Days… That’s What This Man Did!

The Experiment of Eating Only Raw Meat for 81 Days… That’s What This Man Did!

A user, who did not reveal his name on Instagram, claims that he was fed raw meat for days despite all the health hazards. But how logical is that?
 The Experiment of Eating Only Raw Meat for 81 Days… That’s What This Man Did!
READING NOW The Experiment of Eating Only Raw Meat for 81 Days… That’s What This Man Did!

An Instagram user is currently on day 80 of his raw meat every day diet. The man who documents the diet on his rawmeatexperiment page eats everything from bison meat to raw cow brains and drinks milk or a pint of raw eggs as a side-drink beverage.

While the unnamed man made no flavor comments about the raw chicken breast he ate, he praised the ground beef, which he said “without needing to be chewed, basically, you can put cow meat in your mouth and swallow it, quite tasty, half the price of a steak, it’ll probably be a weekly meal with cod.”

The experiment was met with a variety of reactions, from people who were disgusted by the idea to people who avoided it when they realized what it was doing. On day 74, he ate a slice of ground beef with a cup of raw egg on the side.

Adam claims he started the experiment after feeling sick while following a predominantly plant-based diet. “When I started eating steak and eggs for breakfast instead of bagels and smoothies, I felt full for most of the day, and instead of feeling dizzy from the carb crash, my pain began to subside,” he wrote in an Instagram story first noticed by The Metro.

However, we can say that this is probably not a good idea…

Of course, this person is by no means the first to try this diet, but the human lineage ate raw meat for millions of years before Homo erectus discovered cooking between 1.8 million and 400,000 years ago. But humans have since spent thousands of years evolving alongside cooking, which has made us more efficient at eating and digesting our food. While humans continue to enjoy the food of many different cultures, some say chimpanzees, our closest living relatives, can spend up to six hours a day just chewing.

Cooking has helped us develop bigger brains, according to some theories, among other benefits to our health and society. From our teeth to our digestive system, we are no longer ready to just eat raw meat, and eating raw meat can cause some adverse health effects.

As noted in a review of protein intake in humans, “Excess protein hazards identified when protein accounts for >35 percent of total energy intake include hyperaminoacidemia [excess amino acids in the bloodstream], hyperammonemia [increased ammonia levels], hyperinsulinemia [abnormally high insulin levels] nausea, It can cause diarrhea, and even death (“rabbit starvation syndrome”).”

“A recommended maximum protein intake based on body needs, evidence of weight control, and avoidance of protein toxicity would be approximately 25 percent of energy requirements.”

This person may be eating not only raw meat, but also other foods, as he claims among his Instagram posts. But even so, he risks making himself sick. He claims that so far he has not suffered from food poisoning through the consumption of meat without cooking any bacteria that may be lurking on it.

In short, eating raw meat is not recommended, and it’s worth remembering the dangers of Salmonella, E. coli, Yersinia and other harmful bacteria that are easily eradicated with a skill we’ve developed over the last million-plus years.

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