The elephants, compared to science, name and call each other just to five! Well, how do they do this?

The elephants, compared to science, name and call each other just to five! Well, how do they do this?

Good good, but how do elephants do this? In what form do they give each other names?

Come, let’s explain.

Compared to the work of the University of Colorado, elephants use invitations for some elephants.

These invitations include clues that define the elephant to be addressed and connected. In addition, the targeted elephants when they are repeated, giving positive reflections and make movements showing that they know and distinguish the call.

On the other hand, the other elephants do not give similar reflections when they hear the invitations. This indicates that the elephants can recognize and distinguish reasonable elephants and use sounds like a name to call or call them.

Elephant invitations recorded in Kenya’s two different national parks in the middle of 1986-2022 also point to one-to-one result.

The research team uses a artificial intelligence algorithm to help them narrow invitations. 469 different invitations are identified with this technology. 101 of them invites, 117 of them are invited to the elephants.

In addition, names are not always used in these elephant invitations. But when used, it is noteworthy that adult elephants speak with younger elephants, far away.

Again, a elephant reacts positively and energetically when the name of his friend or family member is said. Because he hears these sounds, he is involuntary to the individual who speaks involuntarily.

In summary, the elephants recognize each other’s voices. Moreover, these sounds look like names. Who knows, we can guess with elephants soon!

Resources: BBC, Colorado State University