If your answer is yes, you may be dealing with a discomfort called Hymevijilance. So the situation of feeling yourself on alert for no reason.
So how can this discomfort occur and how can you overcome?
Hyphevijilance can be referred to as the easiest recipe as a person feeling himself on alert.
In such a case, the defense mechanism, which protects us from dangers in usual rules, works a lot and prepares a base for fear disorders by increasing the voltage level of the person in the long run.
Both physical and mental effects of this discomfort can be observed. In the midst of physical symptoms, there is always a blood pressure and very tension in the body. In the spiritual sense, the feeling of feeling, insomnia and difficulty in focus are frequently seen.
So what are the reasons for the emergence of hypervigilance?
This discomfort can occur after an important trauma in the past. Various mental health issues can also increase one’s perception of threat. For example, an anxiety person can always be in trouble and a stone.
This makes him see everything around them as a potential threat. For example, the person in the form of depression in the form of despair and worthlessness experiences. Due to childhood trauma again, there is a high probability that hypervigilance will be seen in individuals growing up in an unbelieving environment.
In the same case, factors for long -term family or business pressure can also cause this discomfort.
Are there treatment techniques for this discomfort?
In fact, there are various treatment methods to cope with hypervijilance. For example, therapies may have effective in reducing the feeling of being alert. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy aiming to change one’s blood and reactions.
In this way, the person recognizes their negative convictions and begins to direct these intentions in a healthy and positive form. In addition, it is possible to deal with situations for post -traumatic voltage disorder in EMDR therapy.
This therapy is based on the cope with painful experiences in the past by helping a person to commit traumatic events.
In fact, each individual can make efforts with different systems with hypervijilance. Some overcome the therapies with therapies, while others can overcome this problem by gaining meditation, breathing training and various hobbies.