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The Center of Entertainment What Comes to Mind When You Say Spain

What comes to mind when you think of Spain? It may not be something right now, but now that you've come here, you want something to come to your mind when you think of Spain. In this article, we have listed everything that comes to mind about Spain, the entertainment center of the world, from flamenco to football, from bullfighting to Salvador Dali.
 The Center of Entertainment What Comes to Mind When You Say Spain
READING NOW The Center of Entertainment What Comes to Mind When You Say Spain

Spain is a lively country with a lot to offer tourists. It is the third country that attracts the most tourists in the world after France and the USA. For this very reason, we wanted to tell you about the touchstones of Spain, in case you think of going one day.

If you don’t know what comes to mind when Spain is mentioned, after reading this article, you will have a lot of cool information that you can sell while talking about Spain (so to speak), because in this Webtechno article you will find everything that comes to mind, from football to flamenco, from Salvador Dali to Siesta. We sorted things out.

What comes to mind when you think of Spain:

  • Flamenco
  • Siesta
  • Tapas
  • Sangria
  • football
  • Paella
  • La Sagrada Familia
  • Bullfighting
  • Churro
  • La Tomatina festival
  • Salvador Dali
  • Puerta del Sol
  • Reconquista

Flamenco, the combination of emotions with dance:

Flamenco, which developed as a result of the interaction of cultures between the Romani people of Spain, which was described as Moriscos and Gitanos in Eastern Andalusia in the 16th century, is a very popular traditional dance type in other countries, especially in Spain.

Siesta, an indispensable part of Spanish culture:

Spain is one of the first countries that come to mind when it comes to napping or taking a nap during the day. Napping has such a special place in Spanish culture that it even has a name for it: “siesta. The word siesta is a Spanish term meaning “hora sexta”, meaning “sixth hour” in Latin, and describing a noon rest six hours after awakening.

Tapas that can be called “little little in the middle”:

Tapas, which is used to talk about hot or cold appetizers in Spanish cuisine, is usually served in tasting portions that will not fill the stomach.

Sangria, the cocktail that gets drunk:

Sangria is an alcoholic cocktail unique to Spain, derived from the Turkish word “sangre” meaning “blood”. The color of the sangria depends on the wine used, but mostly red wine is used. Apart from wine, various fruits, sugar syrup or honey are also added to sweeten it. Grape juice is usually used instead of wine in non-alcoholic wine.

Football and Spain:

There is no one who does not know the Spanish love for football. As a country that embraces and cares about football, Spain continues to show its success for a long time in the tournaments it participates in, and this can be understood from the fact that they won the EURO 2008 in 2008 and the World Cup in 2010. In addition, Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​the best clubs in the country, are known for their constant rivalry and trying to outshine each other.

Paella, Spain’s national dish:

Paella, a Spanish dish originating from Valencia, is a type of rice dish containing various seafood such as mussels, shrimp, chicken, saffron and vegetables. Paella is among the first to come to mind when it comes to Spanish food, as it is a popular dish that is very popular with both tourists and local people.

Barcelona’s favorite La Sagrada Familia:

La Sagrada Familia, which was taken over by Antoni Gaudi, one of the pioneers of modern architecture, but left unfinished due to his death as a result of a tram accident, is also known as the never-ending church among the people.

Bullfighting that led to the killing of many bulls and matadors:

Bullfighting was long banned in many countries, including Argentina, Cuba, Italy and the United Kingdom. Although legal in Spain, bullfighting demonstrations are also prohibited in some Spanish cities such as Calonge, Tossa de Mar, Vilamacolum and La Vajol.


Churro is a sherbet-free dumpling, very similar to tulumba and donut, but much lighter. After frying, cinnamon, granulated sugar or powdered sugar is poured on it. It is also very popular in other countries besides Spain, such as Latin America, France, and Portugal. It is usually eaten dipped in melted chocolate sauce or milk jam.

Get ready to paint your hands with tomatoes: La Tomatina festival:

The Tomato festival, called La Tomatina, which has been held in Seville since 1945, is one of the most important and entertaining festivals in Spain. Apart from the tomato war, many concerts and dance performances are also exhibited at the festival. The people attending the festival should wear protective glasses and squeeze the tomatoes before throwing them to avoid hurting them.

Salvador Dali, who draws attention with his works and mustache:

Surrealist painter Salvador Dali, who was a mischievous student when he was young and was expelled twice from his art school, is just one of the most famous Spanish painters such as Picasso, Goya and Velazquez. He produced highly successful works such as The Burning Giraffe, The Seduction of St. Antony and The Persistence of Memory.

Puerta del Sol, the symbol of Madrid:

Puerta del Sol is one of Madrid’s most famous squares and a perfect meeting point for locals and tourists alike. At the same time, due to the busyness of this square, many demonstrations, protests and New Year celebrations are held here.

More than 700 years of the Reconquista movement:

The Iberian Peninsula was under the influence of the Muslim Arabs during the Andalusian period. The Christians started a movement that lasted more than 770 years to eliminate the presence of Muslims in this peninsula, and they called it the Reconquista, which means reconquest. In 1492, they succeeded with the collapse of the last remaining Andalusian state.

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