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The bill of the fire on the car shipping ship to Volkswagen has been revealed!

The bill for the fire that broke out on the Felicity Ace ship recently became clear. Volkswagen Group's total loss was announced.
 The bill of the fire on the car shipping ship to Volkswagen has been revealed!
READING NOW The bill of the fire on the car shipping ship to Volkswagen has been revealed!

There has been an event that deeply shook the automotive industry recently. Automobile freighter Felicity Ace started to burn in the middle of the ocean while transporting the vehicles to the USA. While the crew of the ship was rescued without any loss of life, hundreds of cars inside were abandoned to their fate.

Immediately after the Felicity Ace fire, the total loss of companies with automobiles on board began to be wondered. Recently, Volkswagen’s total loss emerged from these companies.

The bill of the fire to the Volkswagen Group was 155 million dollars

Nearly 1300 luxury vehicles belonging to Porsche, Bentley and Lamborghini and 2 thousand in total were loaded on the Felicity Ace cargo ship to go to the USA. There were about 500 cars. A short time ago, the UK-based Russel Group announced the bill of the fire as a result of its research.

According to the Russell Group, the total value of the goods on board the Felicity Ace, which started burning off Portugal’s Azores Islands, is $438 million. 401 million dollars of this includes luxury and mid-segment cars.

Volkswagen Group’s total loss, including its sub-brands, was announced as at least $155 million. Of course, we can look at these numbers as a rumor, as there is no official statement from the company on the subject at the moment.

There were also allegations that BMW and Mercedes cars were on board the cargo ship. However, these rumors were denied by both companies.

So what do you think about this issue? Do you agree with the research that Volkswagen Group has at least $155 million in losses? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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