The continent of one of the most mysterious bets in history is being investigated by historians for many years. Because of the theories put forward in a lost world in the dark corners of human history, this continent has long been the focus of scientific and cultural discoveries for a long time.
So, did this continent really exist, or is all this about legends about it?
History still maintains its mystery in many issues.
One of the most striking examples of these mysteries is the British Cashif James Churchward’s theory. We call the theory, because Churchward argued that in India and Tibet, the old tablets and inscriptions, which dated 15,000 years ago.
In fact, we learned the existence of Mu’s existence thanks to Churchward. The Naacal tablets presented to him contained the traces of ancient civilizations and now had unresolved symbols and writings. As a result of years of heavy work, Churchward analyzed these tablets and collected them in their books. In these books, he wrote that the continent of Mu continent was a giant land module.
Compared to what was said, the continent was located in the middle of the Great Ocean, in the middle of Asia and America.
Compared to the argument of the famous explorer, this continent was the owner of a civilization rather than just a land cut. It is said that this ancient civilization, which is thought to have lived millions of people, has a single deity belief and especially blesses the Sun with the symbol of “ra”.
Compared to the allegations, the people of Mu’m, 70,000 years ago, also established colonies in other regions; India, Babylon, Persian, Egyptian and Mayan with civilizations by establishing contacts and threw the seeds of cultural interaction. Such some researchers interpret the pyramid structures in the Qin Ling Shan Mountains near China as traces of the Uighur Empire, one of the great colonies of Mu’s great colonies.
Did this continent exist?
The continent of Atlantis, which Plato described in his works “Timaeus” and “Critias ,, describes the story of the burial of a huge civilization in the oceans. In the legends, Atlantis is also said to be the symbol of military power, cultural wealth and wonderful architectural structures. This information is quite costly because a number of combatants set up a relevance in the middle of the continent of Atlantis.
Of course, this information should not be our only support. This kind of information remains the thesis because it is still not proven. In the archaeological excavations made today, there were no findings to confirm the existence of lost continents or atlantis -like continents.
Of course, this does not mean that the progressive studies cannot get any findings.
The continent of the Mu continent, just to the legends and myths that have been ongoing since the existence of humanity, cannot go beyond a legend because it cannot be based on a concrete evidence. Since the history of humanity has an endless history, we cannot say that there is no continent.
Although the geological studies on this issue continue, some points that contemporary science related to Mu continent cannot clarify are expected to be revealed. Who knows, the existence of a continent, a period of a cycle, can be proved.
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