Tesla zeroes the charging costs of electric cars!

Tesla zeroes the charging costs of electric cars!

Electric cars are becoming more common and entering our lives every day. In addition, the charging processes of automobiles are also being improved. Charging units continue to be developed along with new charging networks and charging stations. In this context, Tesla introduced its new Powerwall 3 model. This model aims to bring energy for free thanks to the solar energy inverter it comes with. Here are the details…

Tesla Powerwall 3 introduced! Here are the features

Powerwall, as its name suggests, is a wall-type or home-type electric car charging unit. The name Powerwall, which means power wall, is quite interesting. The unit has 3 generations in total and the 3rd generation Powerwall units have their own solar energy inverter.

What does this indicate? Tesla introduces its Powerwall 3 product within the scope of its innovative energy concept. In other words, more environmentally friendly and cleaner energy. In this context, the solar energy inverter added to the unit actually means zeroing the charging costs of Tesla cars. We can say that Powerwall units are a kind of incentive to use solar energy.

One of the negative developments in Powerwall 3, the upper model of Powerwall 2, is that the charging capacity has not increased. So the battery capacity is still 13.5kWh. The most striking element of Powerwall 3, which does not have major differences in terms of design, is that it now carries only the letter T instead of a detailed Tesla logo. In short, what is new in Powerwall 3 is the solar energy inverter, which actually shows that the company is taking steps towards charging units and that charging costs will be zero in the future.

So what do you think about Powerwall 3? Don’t forget to express your opinions in the comments section. For more, you can visit ShiftDelete.Net YouTube channel…