Tesla Wants to Produce 50 Thousand Semi Trucks by 2024!

New statements have been made about the electric semi truck, which Tesla started to produce after five years. Elon Musk stated that their goal is to produce 50,000 units by 2024.
 Tesla Wants to Produce 50 Thousand Semi Trucks by 2024!
READING NOW Tesla Wants to Produce 50 Thousand Semi Trucks by 2024!

Being the largest electric car manufacturer in the world, Tesla continues to lead the revolution in the industry by selling hundreds of thousands of vehicles every year. The company under the management of Elon Musk introduced an electric truck called ‘Semi Truck’ in 2017, apart from the four models currently on the market.

The Semi Truck, which made a great impression all over the world as soon as it was introduced, was normally planned to start production in 2019; but this date was postponed due to problems. In the past weeks, Elon Musk gave the good news about the vehicle and announced that the electric truck has finally started to be produced. Now, the company’s new plans for Semi Truck have emerged.

50,000 Semi Trucks will be produced by 2024

Tesla shared its revenues for the third quarter of the year the other day. Elon Musk also made important statements about Semi Truck in his third quarter earnings call. Accordingly, Tesla plans to accelerate the production of the Semi. Pointing to 2024, Musk said: “We will increase Semi production over the next year. We have a target of 50,000 units in North America by 2024.”

The famous billionaire added that although he did not give an exact figure for Semi, the truck costs much more than a normal car, adding that a few such vehicles may cost the same as a large number of Model Ys.

Truck manufacturer Peterbilt dominates the market, according to Statista data. The data reveals that this company sold approximately 72,000 vehicles in the US alone in 2020. In 2019, this number is reported to exceed 100,000. Although Tesla’s target of 50,000 by 2024 is not very big, we can say that it is quite impressive considering the American market. Already, Musk is quite confident that the Semi Truck can stand out in this segment due to the great interest in the electric truck.

It will save big on fuel

Finally, Tesla says that the truck, which stands out with its futuristic design, can save up to $ 200,000 on fuel in three years. Moreover, it is stated that the vehicle will cost less and require less maintenance. Emphasizing that the Semi Truck has a range of 800 kilometers, the company adds that the vehicle can be filled to 70% with only a 30-minute charge.

The first delivery of Tesla’s new truck will be made to Pepsi on December 1. We will see in the coming years whether the company, which could not release its electric pick-up truck Cybertruck, will achieve its goals regarding Semi Truck.


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