Terraform Labs CEO Do Kwon Bet $1M on Future Price of LUNA

Do Kwon, founder of Terra (LUNA) developer Terraform Labs, has made a $1 million bet that LUNA will not experience a major price drop. You can follow us on our Twitter and Telegram channel to be instantly informed about the last minute developments.
 Terraform Labs CEO Do Kwon Bet $1M on Future Price of LUNA
READING NOW Terraform Labs CEO Do Kwon Bet $1M on Future Price of LUNA

Terra (LUNA) developer Terraform Labs founder Do Kwon has made a $1 million bet that LUNA will not suffer a massive price drop.

You can follow us on our Twitter and Telegram channel to be instantly informed about the last minute developments.

Kwon made a $1 million bet with Twitter user AlgodTrading on his own project Terra (LUNA). If LUNA trades at a lower price within a year, Sensei Algod; Kwon will win if it trades at a higher level than today’s price. LUNA was trading at $88 at the time of the bet.


A popular crypto phenomenon, Cobie has provided a wallet to act as escrow for deposited funds. Etherscan data shows that both parties have deposited $1 million USDT.

After the development, LUNA rose a little and is trading at $ 91 at the time of publication.

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