Telegram sends to iPhones with new emojis!

Telegram's Telemoji package with animated emoticons will start to be used with the approval of Apple.
 Telegram sends to iPhones with new emojis!
READING NOW Telegram sends to iPhones with new emojis!

Telegram, the communication application that has increased its popularity recently, continues to renew itself. Developers, who wanted to keep the application up to date with various innovations, faced Apple in the last update. According to the news, Telegram’s Telemoji package will start to be used with the approval of Apple.

Apple granted permission for animated emojis

Telemoji appear as animated emojis exclusive to the Telegram platform. It can be said that the Telemoji package in question is heavily inspired by iOS-specific animated emojis. However, these animated emojis are signed by Telegram.

Telegram’s animated emoji suite remained in Apple’s review process for more than two weeks. The new feature, which has been examined by the Apple team for a long time, seems to have finally received approval. Apple has announced that it has approved the new emoticon pack on the condition that animated emojis based on their own designs be removed.

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov made the following statements on the subject:

“This is a surprising move for Apple. Because Telemoji will bring a whole new dimension to static low resolution emojis and significantly enrich their ecosystem“

Apple has approved the update, which is live on the Telegram App Store page after the iOS versions in the new emoji package are removed. Durov claims that the new package will be very useful for Telegram in the long run. The CEO states that users will discover their own style with new animated expressions.

So, have you tried the new animated emojis in Telegram? Is it really like the animated emojis on iOS? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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