Telegram may have shared user data with the German Government

Telegram, one of the popular messaging apps, shared user data with the German government, according to the latest report. Known for the importance it attaches to privacy, the company may anger some users.
 Telegram may have shared user data with the German Government
READING NOW Telegram may have shared user data with the German Government

Telegram, one of the popular messaging applications, has become a highly trusted choice in terms of privacy in recent years. Many users who switched to Telegram with WhatsApp’s renewed privacy agreement may oppose Telegram’s latest move. According to new information, Telegram may have provided user data access to the German Police.

Telegram may have shared user data with German Police

Popular messaging app Telegram may have provided user data to the German Federal Police, XDADevelopers reported. It seems that the German Police requested the data of terrorism and child abuse suspects from Telegram and Telegram shared this data with the police. If this event is real, Telegram will be giving user data to the German Police for the first time. Apparently, Telegram shared the data with the German Government due to the gravity of the crimes. The firm had previously denied data access requests from the German Police.

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17 h. added

Telegram or the German Police have not yet made a statement on the subject, but considering the seriousness of the crimes, it can be said that there is no situation for users to be disturbed. Let’s see if the company will make a statement.

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