The messaging application Telegram has recently made it compulsory to be special for the tonal network for Blockchain projects to remain on the platform. This change requires that telegram games that offer multiple blockchain support completely abandon the ecosystem. Following the decision, the popular telegram game Paws decided to move to the Solana network.
The Telegram decision made the face of the ecosystem laughing
Paws’s 80 million user base to Solana has given great momentum for the network. After the migration process, users downloaded more than 9 million Phantom wallets and created more than 1 million new Solana addresses. Moreover, all of this took place before Paws’s Token production event (TGE).
PAWS’s NFT coupons attracted great attention in the Solana -based NFT Marketplace Magic Eden. In two weeks, more than 100,000 transactions were performed and a significant contribution was made to the NFT ecosystem. This shows that projects with a strong community can protect their users despite the Blockchain change.
This migration reunited the concepts of attracting and adding value in blockchain ecosystems. Speculative token procedures and sudden liquidity fluctuations often cause value from ecosystems. However, Paws focuses not only on short -term gains, but also on long -term growth by aiming to maintain user interaction.
PAWS will focus on web3 brand targets after separation
As part of the transition to Solana, Paws aims to turn itself into a long -term web3 brand. The project plans to grow with its decentralized finance integrations, game partnerships and social interaction tools by going beyond being a telegram application. In addition, plans to expand to different blockchain, such as Ethereum and Katman-2 networks, are on the agenda.
Paws aims to reach a wider audience with real world activities, strategic partnerships and mainstream media visibility by going beyond the crypto area. By adopting a community -oriented management model, it plans to create a sustainable token economy that will enable the token owners to actively participate in the development of the ecosystem.
The transformation of Paws is an example that tests how Telegram’s large user base can be integrated into the decentralized blockchain ecosystems. If it is successful, this model can be an important inspiration for web3 projects that want to strengthen the connection between closed platforms and decentralized nets in the future. As, the Telegram side also provides new features to the user base with NFT trade.