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Does the “Foreskin” that Seda Sayan Injected into her Face Really Rejuvenate the Skin?  What Does Science Say About This?

Does the “Foreskin” that Seda Sayan Injected into her Face Really Rejuvenate the Skin? What Does Science Say About This?

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We hear about the interesting skin care treatments of celebrities. Some people eat placenta to stay young, some people have their foreskin injected. Foreskin, which has become popular especially among Hollywood stars in recent years, came to the fore again with Seda Sayan’s video. So, does this celebrity beauty method really work?

How This Man With a 100% Chance of Dying from Cancer in a Few Months Started Healing Thanks to New mRNA Vaccines?

How This Man With a 100% Chance of Dying from Cancer in a Few Months Started Healing Thanks to New mRNA Vaccines?

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Personalized cancer vaccines, which have been talked about frequently lately and have shown successful results, bring hope to many people. One of them is Adrian Taylor. Taylor, who was given a few months to live after her cancer spread, voluntarily participated in the cancer vaccine study and the results she received reconnected her to life.

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