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The image of breathtaking of Tarantula Nebula shared

The image of breathtaking of Tarantula Nebula shared

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NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) shared a striking photo of the Hubble Space Telescope that Tarantula Nebula (Officially 30 Doradus) displayed external walls. This impressive nebula in the Great Magellan Cloud, the most in the universe …

Halley’s Comet begins its 38-year journey back to Earth

Halley’s Comet begins its 38-year journey back to Earth

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Finally, as of Friday, December 8, we can say with certainty that Halley’s Comet is approaching Earth. Since February 9, 1986, when the comet reached its perihelion point, where it is closest to the Sun, it has been extending into distant space.

A planet too big to exist has been discovered

A planet too big to exist has been discovered

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Astronomers have discovered a massive extrasolar orbiting an ultra-cold dwarf star that is too small to host such a world, challenging scientists’ models of how planets and planetary systems are born.