keyboard_arrow_down Etiket: Sony

Sony’s upcoming smartphone cameras detailed

Sony’s upcoming smartphone cameras detailed

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Currently Sony’s largest image sensor for smartphones, the 1-inch IMX989 sensor has been featured in many camera-focused phones. Size isn’t everything, however, and according to unofficial reports, Sony’s next…

Project Q, the On-Screen Controller that Runs on PlayStation 5 Without a TV, Spotted in Action for the First Time!  [VIDEO]

Project Q, the On-Screen Controller that Runs on PlayStation 5 Without a TV, Spotted in Action for the First Time! [VIDEO]

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Project Q, the new game controller with a screen developed by Sony for the PlayStation 5, will not be much different from an Android-powered tablet. According to the new images that have emerged, the device will offer the opportunity to project only the image of PlayStation 5 to the screen, as it was said when it was introduced.

Sony does not give up: Smartphone production will continue

Sony does not give up: Smartphone production will continue

Bu yazı sabitlenmiştir.

Apple, Samsung, OnePlus, Google, Xiaomi, Vivo… All these brands are some of the companies that are most likely to come to mind when you think of smartphones. On the other hand, Sony is perhaps one of the companies that will come to mind at first.

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