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What is Plank Movement, How Is It Done, Does It Melt The Belly?

What is Plank Movement, How Is It Done, Does It Melt The Belly?

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Dreaming of having sexy abs but wondering who’s going to try? You are right, this is not an easy task, but with the plank movement, you can at least take the first step towards your dream. Let’s take a closer look at what is the plank movement that you can do at home without using any tools, how to do it, and most importantly, does it melt the belly.

The Psychology of Elon Musk’s Disgusting Behaviors

The Psychology of Elon Musk’s Disgusting Behaviors

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Elon Musk’s ‘genius who wants to save the world’ image has recently started to turn into a smug and aggressive boss’ image. So, what is behind this unbalanced attitude that drives almost everyone mad?

What is Safflower Oil, What are its Benefits?

What is Safflower Oil, What are its Benefits?

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Even though we have heard its name as a slimming formula lately, safflower oil, which has been used for medicinal purposes all over the world for thousands of years due to its numerous benefits, is obtained from the safflower plant. Let’s examine the safflower oil obtained from the safflower plant, which is also produced in our country, and what are its benefits.

Google announces new Android features

Google announces new Android features

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Continuing to develop the Android operating system, Google adds occasionally requested features to the platform with minor version updates as well as major version updates. What are the new Android features? In a short time …

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