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Interesting Features of Foxes

Interesting Features of Foxes

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Foxes, which are engraved in our minds with their cunning characters in fairy tales, appear as many different species almost all over the world. If you still see it somewhere, don’t be fooled by its cuteness and approach it because when you hear about the interesting features about the fox, you will see that loving it from afar will be the most beautiful love.

You Will Want To Close All Social Media Accounts

You Will Want To Close All Social Media Accounts

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What is the difference between the reality you live and what you are promised? We explain the psychological and sociological phenomena called “echo chamber, elephant in the room, dead cat” that you are exposed to many times every day, extending from the pixels of the screen you are looking at right now to the depths of your consciousness.

Best PC Games Signed by Rockstar Games

Best PC Games Signed by Rockstar Games

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Rockstar Games, one of the largest game publishers in the world, known for its Grand Theft Auto series, has won the hearts of gamers over the years with many different games besides GTA. Let’s take a closer look at some of the best PC games from Rockstar Games.

Unusual Fruits You Will See for the First Time

Unusual Fruits You Will See for the First Time

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If you think that there are all kinds of fruits in our country, where four seasons are experienced, you are wrong because there are fruits in distant continents that we do not even know the name of. What is even more interesting is that we do not even fully know all the fruits grown in our country. Let’s take a closer look at these unusual fruits.

What Is Glucosamine, What Does It Do?

What Is Glucosamine, What Does It Do?

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Glucosamine, which is the main component of the fluid that allows our joints to move, is naturally found in our body, but it may need to be taken as a food supplement when its rate decreases due to different diseases. Let’s see in detail what is glucosamine, what it does, what are the benefits and possible harms of supplementation.

Microsoft Edge gains split-screen feature but hidden

Microsoft Edge gains split-screen feature but hidden

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Microsoft has opened its new feature that gives Edge web browser the ability to run two web pages under a single tab to all Windows and Mac users. It is now possible to run two web pages side by side with the split screen feature…