keyboard_arrow_down Etiket: Ship

The world’s first entire electric Csov ship is being built

The world’s first entire electric Csov ship is being built

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The UK -based Bibby Marine has taken an important step to develop the world’s first fully electric CSOV (Commissioning Service Operation Vessel) ship. The company signed a contract with Armon, a Spanish shipyard for the construction of the ship. This …

A Little-Known Fact About Titanic: Why Did the Nearby SS Californian Ship Do Nothing Despite Receiving a Help Signal?

A Little-Known Fact About Titanic: Why Did the Nearby SS Californian Ship Do Nothing Despite Receiving a Help Signal?

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Titanic, the only ship in maritime history that sank after hitting an iceberg, gained great fame. It is one of the popular culture elements that is still talked about even today, thanks to the 1997 movie “Titanic”. A little-known fact lies behind the death of approximately 1,500 people in the cold waters of the North Atlantic.