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Samsung officially crashed: Lost money has no limit!

Samsung officially crashed: Lost money has no limit!

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The global slowdown in semiconductor purchases amid economic slowdown and corporate austerity led to a decline in chip prices in the first quarter, triggering industry-wide production cuts. The bulk of its income comes from semiconductors…

Google fills its vault: Alphabet reveals how much it earns

Google fills its vault: Alphabet reveals how much it earns

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Google’s parent company Alphabet announced its financial results for the first quarter of the year. The results obtained by Google are also important in terms of exceeding all estimates. Because the company’s advertising revenues will decrease and it will fall behind in the field of artificial intelligence.

YouTube continues to bleed

YouTube continues to bleed

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Alphabet, parent company of Google and YouTube, shared its financial results for the third quarter of its fiscal year. Alphabet managed to increase revenues overall, but saw a decline in net profit and ad revenue. As a result, YouTube’s …

Samsung’s revenues hit their lowest level in eight years

Samsung’s revenues hit their lowest level in eight years

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Samsung, like other technology companies, is going through a difficult process. The firm recently released data for the last quarter of 2022. According to the statements, Samsung’s profit has fallen to the lowest point in eight years.

Fatal error: Uncaught ErrorException: md5_file(/home4/u9529282/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home4/u9529282/ Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: litespeed_exception_handler(2, 'md5_file(/home4...', '/home4/u9529282...', 140, Array) #1 /home4/u9529282/ md5_file('/home4/u9529282...') #2 /home4/u9529282/ LiteSpeed\Optimizer->serve('https://www.tec...', 'css', true, Array) #3 /home4/u9529282/ LiteSpeed\Optimize->_build_hash_url(Array) #4 /home4/u9529282/ LiteSpeed\Optimize->_optimize() #5 /home4/u9529282/ in /home4/u9529282/ on line 140