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Introducing PIBOT, the world’s first humanoid robot pilot

Introducing PIBOT, the world’s first humanoid robot pilot

Bu yazı sabitlenmiştir.

The aviation of the future will apparently be shaped in the hands of autonomous systems. A group of researchers has developed the world’s first humanoid robot pilot. The robot, called PIBOT, sits in the pilot’s seat and hands over the buttons in the cockpit.

Twitter: Academics Who Don’t Pay API Fee Delete Data!

Twitter: Academics Who Don’t Pay API Fee Delete Data!

Bu yazı sabitlenmiştir.

Twitter had begun to ask for $42,000 per month from researchers who could access data for research purposes. Now, it has been revealed that those who do not pay this fee are given 30 days to delete the data they received before. According to the researchers, this policy of the company could have devastating consequences on the platform.

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