  • Mobile
    The Best Piano Playing Applications to Start from Scratch and Have Fun and Turn into Fazıl Say

    The Best Piano Playing Applications to Start from Scratch and Have Fun and Turn into Fazıl Say

  • Life
    You will be upset when you learn the reason behind this tradition in India where widows are forced to be burned alive!

    You will be upset when you learn the reason behind this tradition in India where widows are forced to be burned alive!

  • Life
    ‘Science Applications Program’ is Launched in High Schools

    ‘Science Applications Program’ is Launched in High Schools

  • Sofware
    Harassment Filter Software from Google: Harassment Manager

    Harassment Filter Software from Google: Harassment Manager

  • Life
    Man Searching for a Friend for His Dog, Developed Dog ‘Tinder’

    Man Searching for a Friend for His Dog, Developed Dog ‘Tinder’