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The 19 Most Impressive Philosophy Books and Novels That Will Radically Change Your Perspective on Life

The 19 Most Impressive Philosophy Books and Novels That Will Radically Change Your Perspective on Life

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In order to make sense of life, the world we live in, and even ourselves, we must be interested in philosophy. Of course, these things cannot happen in one day, and you cannot read a book and become a philosopher immediately. But you can take your first step on this path by starting to read philosophy books and philosophy novels.

Who is Confucius, whose soul is ‘worshipped’ by millions of people today, and what exactly does he advocate?

Who is Confucius, whose soul is ‘worshipped’ by millions of people today, and what exactly does he advocate?

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Although Confucius, one of the most important figures in Chinese history, was a philosopher, there are even those who consider himself a prophet and even a god because he created a religion called Confucianism. Let’s take a closer look at who Confucius is, what he stands for, and see his teachings that continue to exist even today.

The Philosophy of Those Who Say ‘I Believe What I See’: What Exactly Is Materialism, What Does It Advocate?

The Philosophy of Those Who Say ‘I Believe What I See’: What Exactly Is Materialism, What Does It Advocate?

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Materialism, which does not believe in metaphysics or any other abstract concept, argues that everything consists of the materials we see around us and that these are the things that make us who we are. Let’s take a closer look at the philosophical thought materialism, which existed even before Christ, and look for the answer to the question of what it advocates.

We Owe What We Talk About Science and Philosophy Today: Who Is Aristotle Actually, What Does He Argue?

We Owe What We Talk About Science and Philosophy Today: Who Is Aristotle Actually, What Does He Argue?

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If we can talk about science and philosophy today, we owe all this to the Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. Because during his lifetime, he worked on all kinds of science and created philosophical thoughts. Let’s take a closer look at who Aristotle is and look for the answer to the question of what he defends through his philosophy and works.

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