There is an interesting war that we encounter among the wars won by the Ottoman Empire: the Battle of Şebeş, which the Ottomans fought against Austria, which was attacking itself.
There is an interesting war that we encounter among the wars won by the Ottoman Empire: the Battle of Şebeş, which the Ottomans fought against Austria, which was attacking itself.
Capitulation, which expresses the privileges given by one state to another state through agreements, is a concept we have encountered throughout history. Especially the capitulations given by the Ottoman Empire to the western states have a significant impact on our own history. Let’s take a closer look at what capitulation is and see its effects on the Ottoman Empire through examples.
Are you ready to measure how many correct things you can get in this challenging Ottoman test, which we prepared based on the topics we touched on in our own content?
Europa Universalis IV’s Domination package, which was released in the past weeks and added all the Ottoman features to the game, caused some controversy. Players began to feel uncomfortable with the power of the Ottoman Empire.
The Çirmen War is a war that made its mark in history when 800 Ottoman raiders faced the Serbian army of 70,000 on September 26, 1371.
In one of the most magnificent periods of the Ottoman Empire, III. Murad, using this power to the fullest, gave himself to pleasure and pleasure. Despite solving many important state issues, he is also known for his sultan’s debauchery, whose life ended without even going on a single expedition. III. Who is Murad, how many children does he have, let’s take a closer look.
The conquest of Istanbul, which closed an era and opened a new one, caused the history books to be rewritten with its results. The preparations for this conquest, the realization of the conquest and the results of the conquest had great repercussions all over the world.
According to some experts, the Ottoman women, the sultan’s wives and mothers, which are the subject of countless TV series, movies and books …
In the Ottoman Empire, which ruled for 624 years, the perception of beauty was equivalent to being overweight for a long time. The heavier a …
When we look at our history, we see that it is full of success. Indeed, we have a magnificent history that has spread over 3 continents and …