  • Internet
    A Contractor Reporting Platform was established to report the buildings that were shattered in the earthquake.

    A Contractor Reporting Platform was established to report the buildings that were shattered in the earthquake.

  • Life
    Mobile Application Used for Informing in Saudi Arabia

    Mobile Application Used for Informing in Saudi Arabia

  • Internet
    Feature Added to Android Will Warn Ukrainians of Air Attacks!

    Feature Added to Android Will Warn Ukrainians of Air Attacks!

  • Life
    ‘Participation Share’ Received from Market Bags Increased to 25 Kurus

    ‘Participation Share’ Received from Market Bags Increased to 25 Kurus

  • Life
    Criminal Complaint Against Elon Musk for Being a FETO Member

    Criminal Complaint Against Elon Musk for Being a FETO Member