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TCG Istanbul frigate took the first cruise test

TCG Istanbul frigate took the first cruise test

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TCG Istanbul, the fifth ship of the MİLGEM project, which was implemented to strengthen the naval fleet with domestic ships, was launched two years ago. TCG Istanbul has now left the port for the first time and has been tested for navigation. Its construction started in 2017…

Can Ships Anchor in Deep Waters on the High Seas?

Can Ships Anchor in Deep Waters on the High Seas?

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Ships that need to cross the oceans travel at sea depths of perhaps 5000 – 8000 meters. But can these ships anchor thousands of meters down when they have to stop? What is used to keep these ships stable?

Why Do Planes Appear Slowly In The Sky?

Why Do Planes Appear Slowly In The Sky?

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While walking on the road or traveling in a car, imagine an airplane you see when you look up at the sky. You’d probably be thinking how slow it seems to go from here. Have you ever wondered why?