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What is Graphene, Described as a ‘Wonderful Material’ by the Scientific World, What Does It Do, What Are Its Harms?

What is Graphene, Described as a ‘Wonderful Material’ by the Scientific World, What Does It Do, What Are Its Harms?

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Although graphene, a type of carbon product, is a recently discovered material, it has such unique properties that it is called a wonder material. Let’s take a closer look at what graphene is, which is stronger and thinner than anything we know, what it does, and most importantly, what its harms are to human health.

The Philosophy of Those Who Say ‘I Believe What I See’: What Exactly Is Materialism, What Does It Advocate?

The Philosophy of Those Who Say ‘I Believe What I See’: What Exactly Is Materialism, What Does It Advocate?

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Materialism, which does not believe in metaphysics or any other abstract concept, argues that everything consists of the materials we see around us and that these are the things that make us who we are. Let’s take a closer look at the philosophical thought materialism, which existed even before Christ, and look for the answer to the question of what it advocates.