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Why Does Fire Have a Shadow While Almost All Objects Have a Shadow?

Why Does Fire Have a Shadow While Almost All Objects Have a Shadow?

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When we shine light on any object in a dark environment, we are quite familiar with seeing the shadow of this object. In fact, this shadow reflected on the wall of the house helps us have fun moments by making hand movements and changing the shape of this reflection. But what about when it comes to fire?

Why Does the Sun Suddenly Start Moving Faster as We Watch the Sunset?

Why Does the Sun Suddenly Start Moving Faster as We Watch the Sunset?

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Have you ever felt like the Sun was in a hurry while watching the sunset? It’s as if he had a mission and was trying to keep up with it… This is an optical trick resulting from the somewhat mischievous nature of the atmosphere. Let’s take a look at the mysterious world of the atmosphere, maybe we’ll find out why the Sun is so hectic too!

How Does the Moon Look Sometimes Round and Sometimes Like a Crescent?  The Answer Is Hidden in the Phases of the Moon

How Does the Moon Look Sometimes Round and Sometimes Like a Crescent? The Answer Is Hidden in the Phases of the Moon

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When we look at the Moon that illuminates our sky at night, we see that it is not always the same because the Moon has phases. The reason why our satellite, which has undergone eight different phases in the process, behaves in this way is that the Moon and Earth are in constant motion. Let’s examine the questions like what are the phases of the Moon and how it is formed in all details.

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