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11th generation and iPad mini 7 may be introduced next year

11th generation and iPad mini 7 may be introduced next year

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Apple, the biggest name in the tablet market with the iPad brand, continues to work on its new generation devices. According to a new report, the Cupertino-based company will introduce the iPad 11 model in the second half of next year. Standard iPad production…

Apple may launch iPad Mini 7 later this year

Apple may launch iPad Mini 7 later this year

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Apple will probably introduce the new generation iPhone 15 series in September. The technology giant is expected to announce its new products at this event. On the other hand, according to the latest information, Apple is already on the seventh generation iPad mini.

Is Apple working on a new iPad mini?

Is Apple working on a new iPad mini?

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Apple launched a new iPad mini model with 8.3 inch screen a few months ago. A few months later, complaints began to come from some users. At this …

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