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What Is PCT, What Does Low And High Mean?

What Is PCT, What Does Low And High Mean?

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PCT, which is seen in blood analysis, is a test and is applied to show the value of procalcitonin in the blood. According to the PCT value, conditions such as the formation and spread of infection in the body are evaluated. What is PCT, what should its value be, let’s take a closer look and see in all details what low and high mean.

What Is Good For Throat Inflammation, How Does It Go Without Medication?

What Is Good For Throat Inflammation, How Does It Go Without Medication?

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The main reason for our complaints such as my throat hurts, my throat is swollen, I cannot swallow, is actually throat inflammation. Let’s take a closer look at what is good for throat inflammation, which is usually a result of infection caused by microbes settling in our tonsils, and how it goes without medication.

The News of “Death from Brain-Eating Amoeba” Confused

The News of “Death from Brain-Eating Amoeba” Confused

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South Korea has announced the first case and death of brain-eating amoeba in its history. But this death was not a world first. The brain-eating amoeba has been in our lives for decades and is causing an extremely deadly infection.

Snake Disease: What Is Erysipelas, What Are Its Symptoms?  ‌

Snake Disease: What Is Erysipelas, What Are Its Symptoms? ‌

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Streptococcus bacteria, which enters our body through any opening on the skin, causes the emergence of Erysipelas, commonly known as ‘Serpentine disease’ among the people. If you are wondering what is erysipelas, what are its symptoms and how to treat it, let’s go to our article right away.

What Is Good For Tonsil Swelling?

What Is Good For Tonsil Swelling?

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Swelling of the tonsils, which ruins our day when we least expect it, even causes us to be unable to eat anything at times. In fact, this …

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