The effects of climate change are increasing day by day, revealing that our planet may turn out to be quite dire in the future. For this reason …
The effects of climate change are increasing day by day, revealing that our planet may turn out to be quite dire in the future. For this reason …
The social media giant, known as Facebook for years, has been working on virtual reality for a long time, with its new name Meta. One of the …
World-renowned for his achievements in the gaming industry, Cevat Yerli, lastly, with his new initiative “The TMRW Foundation” (Future …
Apple promises new experiences to its users day by day with the updates it brings to iOS devices. With the upcoming iOS 15.4 update, the …
Animated movies released especially after the 2000s, even though they taste like children’s movies, were also liked by adults. One of them is …
Flying cars, indispensable in sci-fi movies, are finally becoming reality. According to the news of the New York Times, this technology, which we …
IBM claims to have made a huge leap forward in quantum computing, introducing the Eagle, a 127-qubit quantum processor, the first chip with more …
Back 4 Blood, which has been met with great interest since its release and is called the spiritual continuation of Left 4 Dead, will meet the …
The climate crisis, which we have been feeling concretely in every aspect of our lives, especially in recent years, of course puts future …