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The Philosophy of Those Who Say ‘I Believe What I See’: What Exactly Is Materialism, What Does It Advocate?

The Philosophy of Those Who Say ‘I Believe What I See’: What Exactly Is Materialism, What Does It Advocate?

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Materialism, which does not believe in metaphysics or any other abstract concept, argues that everything consists of the materials we see around us and that these are the things that make us who we are. Let’s take a closer look at the philosophical thought materialism, which existed even before Christ, and look for the answer to the question of what it advocates.

Philosophy that people do not value anything, even they tend to destroy it: What is nihilism, what does it advocate?

Philosophy that people do not value anything, even they tend to destroy it: What is nihilism, what does it advocate?

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Nihilism, also known as nihilism, is a philosophical view that people value nothing and even tend to destroy because of it. Even though it is associated with Nietzsche, let’s take a closer look at what nihilism is actually emerging from among Russian intellectuals and see in detail what it advocates and who its representatives are.

What is Force, What are its Types and Properties?

What is Force, What are its Types and Properties?

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In addition to being one of the fundamental subjects of physical science, force is actually the basis of our daily life, because we are constantly pushing or pulling something, that is, we apply force. Let’s see what is force in its simplest form, what are its types and properties, in all details.