keyboard_arrow_down Etiket: Formula 1

Apple is close to a giant deal

Apple is close to a giant deal

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Today, content platforms are pursuing popular sports tournaments as well as standard types of content. Billions of dollars are now flying around for these tournaments that bring in a significant amount of viewers. Billion dollar for Formula 1…

Why Are “Pumpkin” Tires Used in Formula 1?

Why Are “Pumpkin” Tires Used in Formula 1?

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One of the methods we use today to understand how healthy a car’s tires are is to check the grooves on the tires. Smooth tires, which mean death for a very long time, are among the sine qua non for Formula 1.

Why Are There No Female Drivers in Formula 1?

Why Are There No Female Drivers in Formula 1?

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In Formula 1, which is shown as the pinnacle of motorsport, drivers do not have to be of a certain gender, but few women in history have been behind the wheel of a Formula 1 car. So why aren’t there any female drivers on the grid?

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