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The spiritual concern game upset Steam lists!

The spiritual concern game upset Steam lists!

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The game, which was recently released and appeared in the category of horror games, marked Steam lists. Slender Threads, which has already become the favorite of the horror game lovers, has achieved a great success in Steam, 97 %positive …

What is Nicotophobia (Fear of the Dark) and What Are Its Symptoms?

What is Nicotophobia (Fear of the Dark) and What Are Its Symptoms?

Bu yazı sabitlenmiştir.

Many of us were afraid of the dark in our childhood, this is considered normal. Well, if we are still uncomfortable in dark environments and cannot sleep in lightless environments despite being an adult, does this mean that we have nicophobia? The answer to this question is yes, it can. Although it is not a serious phobia, people with this phobia also experience difficulties in their daily lives. In this article, we talked about these problems and the treatment process.

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