In 1913, only three candidates hoping to become English teachers took Cambridge’s first English Proficiency Certificate exam. Well, can you answer this question, which is part of this exam that lasts for almost 12 hours?
In 1913, only three candidates hoping to become English teachers took Cambridge’s first English Proficiency Certificate exam. Well, can you answer this question, which is part of this exam that lasts for almost 12 hours?
Those who want to learn English with their friend can get advantageous prices with the “Buy 2 Pay 1” campaign of Open English!
The most effective way to learn English or any language, even from the most basic level, is through exposure to this language. With Open English, you can do this even without going to English speaking lands.
Every country has different policies and laws. For this reason, in some cases, we may encounter decisions that seem illogical to us, but …
The CineSpace short film competition, organized every year by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and Houston Motion …
When we search for an online language course, we come across many options; however, we do not know which application can help us how much. While …