There was another revolutionary development in fusion energy. France, West Tokmamak reactor for more than 22 minutes to maintain the plasma reaction by maintaining a new record. This success, which took place on February 12, the fusion energy …
There was another revolutionary development in fusion energy. France, West Tokmamak reactor for more than 22 minutes to maintain the plasma reaction by maintaining a new record. This success, which took place on February 12, the fusion energy …
Bizon, which we see in the documentaries, are generally known for their slow walking. If you’ve seen these animals running quite scary with their big size, you may be a bit strange to walk.
The 9.0 earthquake, which occurred on March 11, 2011, caused the death of 20,000 people, the collapse of 120,000 buildings and melting in three reactors in Fukushima power plant, led to a tsunami moving towards the eastern coast of Japan. This event …
It is quite funny that cats run to the scattering check, sometimes to climb the walls, isn’t it funny, isn’t it? On the other hand, one wonders: Why do they do this sudden “crazy?
Uranium, which is one of the heaviest elements in nature, is actually a powerful power supply. It brings to mind this feature to mind why we don’t use it in vehicles.
Sometimes he can’t fall asleep at night, do you get tired of thinking too much? Don’t worry, 1 out of every 3 individuals now suffer from this situation. In this article, we cannot talk about the analysis of you, but we will share a ‘positive’ situation that this situation has caused.
Although solar energy is abundant in some parts of the Moon, it is not always a reliable resource. In this context, while the work of return to the Moon gained momentum, critical for the reliable energy source, one of the biggest problems of space tasks …
When a deep silence decided, there were many lives in the world. Leaves, microscopic creatures, huge trees…
In the southwest of China, a research facility, which is thought to be the world’s largest nuclear fusion laser, is being built. Analysis of Satellite Images of the US -based Planet Labs company, this secret project is currently the largest in the USA …
Nuclear fusion, which is seen as the energy source of the future, has not yet opened the door of unlimited energy to humanity despite the billions of dollars of many countries’ investments. Although there are record -breaking developments, fusion in commercial sense …