  • Life
    Your Blood Will Cold When You Learn How Elephants Are Trained in Countries Like India!

    Your Blood Will Cold When You Learn How Elephants Are Trained in Countries Like India!

  • Science
    First sighted outside of humans: African elephants may be calling each other by name

    First sighted outside of humans: African elephants may be calling each other by name

  • Science
    What is the Pyrrhic Triumph?  Pyrrhus, King of Epirus, and his incredible death that gave rise to this term

    What is the Pyrrhic Triumph? Pyrrhus, King of Epirus, and his incredible death that gave rise to this term

  • Science
    Is Elephant’s Memory Powerful to Record Everything?

    Is Elephant’s Memory Powerful to Record Everything?

  • Science
    Animals that have been put on trial and often sentenced to death throughout human history

    Animals that have been put on trial and often sentenced to death throughout human history

  • Science
    The most interesting case against an elephant has been decided: “An elephant is not legally a person”

    The most interesting case against an elephant has been decided: “An elephant is not legally a person”

  • Life
    Elephants Die Because They Eat Plastic Waste

    Elephants Die Because They Eat Plastic Waste