keyboard_arrow_down Etiket: Drivers

Young Drivers May Not Leave Their Friends At Their Homes

Young Drivers May Not Leave Their Friends At Their Homes

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As you know, drivers who get a new driver’s license in our country are given the status of “candidate driver” for two years, and these drivers have some differences from people with normal driver’s licenses. The entry into force of a similar application in the UK is being evaluated by the authorities.

Why are these trucks flat in the front and raised in the back?

Why are these trucks flat in the front and raised in the back?

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Modification is a passion for some, a way of life for others. Tofaşcılar in our country and Bosozokular in Japan are known for their exaggeratedly modified cars. This passion, of which we can see different examples in many parts of the world, has taken a completely different turn in Brazil with the drivers stepping in front of their trucks.

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