Factors such as liquidity and transaction volume in the crypto currency market play an important role in the listing policies of platforms such as Binance.
Factors such as liquidity and transaction volume in the crypto currency market play an important role in the listing policies of platforms such as Binance.
Although we have been hearing its name more often lately, SMA, which is actually quite common, is a genetic disease. For this reason, those who want to have children can learn the risk status by having an SMA test before marriage or, if married, before having a child. Let’s examine in all details the questions that are curious about what the SMA test is, how it is done and what happens if it is positive.
Research on cannabis, which harms social life and health with its excessive consumption, continues rapidly in the scientific world. While it …
Dietitians state that when people start to have a regular relationship, they give up the health habits they had before. In other words, as you …
Many studies examining the link between porn and intercourse to date have revealed that watching porn is bad for couples. Such studies even …