  • Cinema
    Famous Iranian Director Sentenced to Prison for “Propaganda of Opposition” in Award-Winning Film at Cannes

    Famous Iranian Director Sentenced to Prison for “Propaganda of Opposition” in Award-Winning Film at Cannes

  • Life
    Does the Other Feel What One Twin Feels?

    Does the Other Feel What One Twin Feels?

  • Cinema
    Announcement that will upset those who expect a big series from Avengers

    Announcement that will upset those who expect a big series from Avengers

  • Science
    How real, how delusional, is the theory of “lost cosmonauts in space”?

    How real, how delusional, is the theory of “lost cosmonauts in space”?

  • Space
    Cosmonaut Allegedly Burned to Death in Spacecraft

    Cosmonaut Allegedly Burned to Death in Spacecraft