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Samsung to continue production cuts after massive losses

Samsung to continue production cuts after massive losses

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The global economic conditions we are in have had a particularly hard impact on Samsung, where most of its income comes from semiconductor and chip manufacturing. Samsung said in a statement that the worst period in the global memory chip market is behind.

Google’s parent company Alphabet fills its vault

Google’s parent company Alphabet fills its vault

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Shares of Alphabet, the parent company of Google and YouTube, rose nearly 7 percent after the company reported better-than-expected revenue and profit, driven by growth in its cloud computing division. For the fourth quarter in a row, Google…

Once upon a time, days on Earth lasted only 19 hours

Once upon a time, days on Earth lasted only 19 hours

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The world was not the place it is today, millions or even billions of years ago. A new study by scientists reveals this once again. According to scientists, in the history of the Earth, the days were shorter and the Moon …

Intel snatches 10 billion euros from Germany

Intel snatches 10 billion euros from Germany

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In 2021, when the chip crisis broke out and money was pumped into the markets due to the pandemic, technology giants were also enthusiastic about investment. Today, due to increasing costs, investments have turned to birds. Giant incentive to Intel in Germany in 2021…