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We Explained the Industrial Revolution, the Basis of Today’s Production and Consumption Madness, with Its Reason, Results and Importance

We Explained the Industrial Revolution, the Basis of Today’s Production and Consumption Madness, with Its Reason, Results and Importance

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The Industrial Revolution, which started in England in the 18th century and whose effects first spread throughout Europe and then the whole world, is perhaps the most important event in modern human history. Because the political, economic and social structures whose foundations were laid at that time continue to affect our lives in some way even today.

Why Does Its Name Mean ‘Green Zone’ Although It Is Covered With Ice?  12 Facts About Greenland You’ll Have Difficulty Believing

Why Does Its Name Mean ‘Green Zone’ Although It Is Covered With Ice? 12 Facts About Greenland You’ll Have Difficulty Believing

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Greenland is known as an island country that is quite isolated from the world. This country with a very low population density is home to the northern lights and unique landscapes. It is known that Vikings lived in these lands in their time. Let’s take a closer look at Greenland, which is quite interesting with its culture and nature.

Why Is It So Hard to Convince Someone With Opposition?

Why Is It So Hard to Convince Someone With Opposition?

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With the effect of the election agenda we are in, each of us has adopted a side and we have turned a blind eye to the opposite views. But when certain facts are thrown in our face, have you ever thought about whether we can rationally examine the side we are pursuing?

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