keyboard_arrow_down Etiket: Batman

Reactions to The Batman Movie

Reactions to The Batman Movie

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The most anticipated movie of the last period, ‘The Batman’, was released all over the world yesterday. The Batman, which has an average of 8.4 …

First Reactions to The Batman Movie

First Reactions to The Batman Movie

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A short but intriguing trailer came recently from the long-awaited new Batman movie, in which we will watch Robeert Pattinson in the role of …

New Joker Movie Coming

New Joker Movie Coming

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DC is counting the days for the release of the new movie of Batman, the arch-enemy of the Joker. The Batman movie, which will be released on …

New Batman Inspired By Kurt Cobain

New Batman Inspired By Kurt Cobain

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Undoubtedly, the new Batman movie ‘The Batman’ is among the most anticipated productions of 2022. Featuring great actors such as Robert …

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