An extraordinary suggestion for green, yellow and red traffic lights: Now we can add white as the fourth color…
An extraordinary suggestion for green, yellow and red traffic lights: Now we can add white as the fourth color…
Amazon-owned Zoox has announced that its self-driving vehicle, which has no steering wheels or pedals, has been approved for testing.
Sony and Honda announced that they had signed a joint venture agreement in March 2022, and the companies were signed by Sony Honda Mobility Inc …
Autonomous vehicle technologies have managed to enter the radar of many countries, especially China and the USA. The first autonomous test …
The change in the automotive industry continues unabated. After companies such as Tesla that achieved success with their electric and …
Tesla is one of the companies that frequently comes to the fore in this period when the automotive industry is getting electrified. The …
Twenty years ago, the idea of an autonomous vehicle sounded like a crazy science fiction project. Today, however, we can easily see semi …