Sushi Lead Developer Considers SEC’s Subpoena

Jared Gray, chief executive of Sushi, the Japan-based DAO, and his attorney stated that, to their knowledge, no one connected to Sushi had violated US federal safety laws.
 Sushi Lead Developer Considers SEC’s Subpoena
READING NOW Sushi Lead Developer Considers SEC’s Subpoena

Jared Gray, chief executive of Sushi, the Japan-based DAO, and his attorney stated that, to their knowledge, no one connected to Sushi had violated US federal safety laws.

After a subpoena from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Gray assured Sushi that it was cooperating with the SEC.

Sushi Responds to Community Concerns After Subpoena From SEC

Sushi’s chief developer (lead developer) Jared Gray and his attorney described the investigation as a non-public, fact-finding investigation that does not mean the SEC has any negative views about any person, entity or entity related to the DAO. In a statement on April 8, Gray answered the most frequently asked questions from the community about subpoenas in a FAQ format.

Gray used the following statements in his statements:

“We don’t know if one way or another the SEC claims to file subpoenas about any other person or entity it believes represents the Sushi community.”

Gray and his attorney continued, reassuring the community that the investigation did not imply any wrongdoing:

“The investigation does not mean that the SEC has concluded that Jared, Internet Three Software Company or Sushi have violated any law. Nor does the investigation imply that the SEC has a negative view of any person, entity or entity.”

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