The world of LEGO Super Mario, which has achieved an important place in the LEGO universe, will say hello to the Princess character this year after the Luigi character last year. LEGO hasn’t forgotten the bad guys either.
Giant LEGO Bowser
Bowser, who is normally a standard character in Super Mario sets, has been redesigned for adults. Consisting of 2807 pieces, the Mighty Bowser will be both the scariest and most expensive series in this world.
The Mighty Bowser, which has a fairly large size, is a set with large pieces in weight. There is a mechanism for head and mouth movement in the shell part. He also shoots a fire arrow inside his mouth. Its two tall towers add to its glamor.
The Super Mario character will also receive an update when the Mighty Bowser set is released on October 1. So when the QR code is read, it will display a special animation for the Mighty Bowser. Its price is $270.